Money System of Westra


1 penny is the lowest denomination of coinage


2 penny = 1 pence

1 pence is what we would consider a copper piece


12 pence = 1 shilling

1 shilling is approximately 1 silver


10 shilling = 1 crown

1 crown is what we would approximately consider a gold piece


100 crowns = 1 dragon


This system is loosely based on our own historic coinage system in England to give a more “authentic” feel to the world of Westra.



Here are some feelings on the value of the coin:


1 meal costs about 1 to 2 pennies.

1 commoner makes about 1 to 2 pence in a day.

A merchantman makes approximately 2 shillings in a day.

An iron sword costs approximately 2 crowns.

A steel sword costs approximately 12 crowns.

A noble would have something like 2 dragons worth of coin in his pocket.  A noble family would have several thousand dragons in their holdings.



Here are approximate comparisons to our own system of money, accounting for the depreciated value of the penny:


Westra currency = Our currency

1 penny = $3.00 (buy you a happy meal)

1 pence = $6.00 (yes, commoners make approximately only $12.00/day; they are impoverished by today’s standards)

1 shilling = $72.00 (a luxurious meal for 2 people)

1 crown = $720.00 (most of the monthy rent)

1 dragon = $72,000.00 (yearly salary for a computer programmer at IBM)


House Talbert, arguably the richest house in Westra (at least publically) has (according the their accountants) 500,000 dragons (= $36,000,000,000!) in their coffers (their spendable holdings).


House Dragonfell is 100,000 dragons (= $7,200,000,000) in debt to various houses (including House Talbert and House Alrgoth).


House Conrath, who has the largest income (from taxes) due to the greatest number of people, collects about 300,000 shillings (= $21,600,000) in taxes bi-yearly.  This amounts to commoners paying approximately 1 shilling (= $72.00) during a 6 month period in taxes.  It usually takes about a month of work for a commoner to make this money.


House Tellman, a minor House, has approximately 1,000 dragons (= $72,000,000) for their spendable holdings.


Maid Beatrice Tellman has about 10 dragons (= $720,000) of “spending money” with her at Dragonfell.  She receives approximately 1 dragon (= $72,000) every month from her father to “live comfortably”.


Ser Brandon Stonewall, as first in line to inherit House Stonewall, has 500 dragons (= $36,000,000) in his personal coffers.


Baron Jaden Conrath, as third in line to inherit House Conrath, has 70 dragons (= $5,040,000) in his personal cofferes.